Sunday, December 12, 2010

Almost a year?

I am amazed. It has been almost a year since my last post. In that time I have been doing a number of things, but mostly I have been simply teaching and and being a house Dad. Simple as that. I have come to the conclusion in retrospect that I needed some time to regroup after being let go by CSUB. I am still teaching part time as adjunct, but it is nowhere near as satisfying as either the fulltime staff or faculty position. So it is time to get back into the game and become a DL player again. :-)

It has become obvious to me that I need something more than teaching for Extended University. So back to training again. I will be making a series of posts in conjunction with the courses I am taking at the present time.

Right now these include the Distance Education program through University of West Georgia: . I needed a refresher, since the last courses in this area were taken in 2007, and most earlier in 2002-2005.

I have just completed the EASI course in Barrier-free E-Learning and am now enrolled in the Train the Trainer course as well.

The EASI courses are fairly simple and inexpensive, but are loaded with excellent information on creating an accessible environment for students in all aspect of IT. I enjoyed the first course and have decided on completing the Certificate in Accessible Information Technology provided by EASI and the University of Southern Maine. This certificate program is a series of courses designed to provide training in all aspects of accessibility application in IT. I highly recommend them if you have an interest int IT and an interest in accessibility.

I have a few other courses I wish to take between now and summer, and hopefully by that time I will be back at work, innovating distance education as is my passion.

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