Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Google Apps for ePortfolios

A friend sent along this link. Dr. Helen Barrett has written an amazing amount on ePortfolios. She has been one of the major contributors to this area for many years and continues to explore and add to the body of knowledge on Electronic Portfolios. The link below goes to a site specifically designed to help educators at all levels implement electronic portfolios using Google Apps. There is a great deal of excellent information here. It goes without saying that using Goggle as a platform saves a great deal of money over using a proprietary solution, and the tools are just as robust.


There are even templates to help get started using Google Apps for ePortfolios. Here is one: https://sites.google.com/site/amslerclassroom/eportfolio-templates

In fact, University of Washington Bothell uses Google for electronic portfolios. You can see their implementation here: http://www.uwb.edu/learningtech/eportfolios/cusp, and also another implementation at Portland State: https://sites.google.com/a/pdx.edu/eportresources/ep-lab-software-tutorials/create-your-eportfolio

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