Thursday, March 22, 2012

Why students and graduates need LinkedIn as part of their career strategy

Social networking is becoming an important tool in finding a professional position after graduating from college. Among the potential social networking sites for finding recruiters and posting resumes, the most rapidly growing site is now LinkedIn. LinkedIn is beginning to matter a great deal in the social networking environment as it is gaining popularity faster than any of its competition. In an article a few days ago in the Business Insider, it was reported that recruiters are quickly moving to LinkedIn over competitors like and Given that LinkedIn now has over 150 million users, it is important to include LinkedIn in any employment search strategy, not to mention for professional networking purposes.

The article  Why Every College Student Needs a LinkedIn Page from last year in becomes even more important now that LinkedIn is becoming one of the go-to places for employers. It details reasons why students should set up their profiles through LinkedIn.

The Savvy Intern has some great tips on what to put into the LinkedIn profile once that it is set up.

Based on a recent Jobvite study, 1 in 6 find their next position through social networking. LinkIn and other social networks have become an important part of the career search, too important to not be a part of.

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